Monday, August 4, 2008

Ethel is Back

Chemo happened today. It took about 6-1/2 hrs this time. Met with Dr. So and it looks like there might be a change in the chemo/radiation/surgery schedule. Dr. So will consult with Dr. Pelton to discuss options. Also, Dr. So has added additional hydration at the end of the week as well as Nuprogen shots to help me thru chemo recovery. I believe this will help avert some of the problems I had last time.

I read some more of Lance Armstrong's book "It's Not About the Bike." It turns out that I'm sharing one common chemo chemical with him, Cisplatnum. If it helped him, it most surely can help me too.

I got to sit next to a wonderful older lady during today's session, however I did not catch her name. She had immigrated from Cuba many years ago. She had proclaimed that she was coming up on her birthday. After a number of very bad guesses, some based on flattery and others just mistakes staring at the age of 70 & working my way up. I finally gave up at 80 to which she let me in on her secret. She was about to turn 88, which in truth seems much older than she appeared. Unfortunately she was in for lung cancer. I wish her luck in her battle!

TJ & Joan held my hand thru today and will continue to do so through the week. I think they are kind of spoiling me. It's great to have them around. I have to believe that this round of chemo will go better than the last just because of their help and positive ways. Thanks goodness they are here.

Thanks to E-man and Lori for touching base and calling me today while at chemo. It always is nice to pass the time with friends.

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