Saturday, November 22, 2008

More Fun with Food

Ahh, the joy of trying foods that I have loved in the past!

I have been craving Sushi for months now. So last night, on the way to see what was later deemed the worst movie ever, Lori & I had the occasion to go to a Korean Barbecue restaurant that I have frequented before. We went with the idea of getting some beef ,and indeed we did have the marinated prime rib (which was very good). We have had some good Sushi there before, so we ordered a few yellow tail tuna sashimi pieces. It was to be another experiment in my world of food exploration. We decided to go with sashimi so that I could easily eat the fish meat without ingesting the carbo-filled rice, thus avoiding a rather unpleasant evening. We mixed soy sauce with wasabi for dipping and then marinated the yellow tail. Finally after months of craving, I was able to taste the much desired sashimi. Well, the culinary delight was fantastic! I loved each and every piece that I ate.

At the end of our feast the restaurant has a tradition of bringing an orange slice for each guest at the table as a means to cleanse their palette. Oranges are another favorite that I have avoided because I have not wanted to ingest too much citrus acid. However I love oranges too. So, throwing caution to the wind, I had a piece (wow, daring or what?!?!?). Well, all I can say is fantastic. It tasted great!

The entire meal simply brought joy to me, and I definitely will be doing this again.

So as I'm about to embark on radiation therapy, and my trepidation going in to another treatment that I have no experience with, I'm glad to say that some of the fun things are slowly coming back. What else is there to say but ... Life is Good!


l_agi said...

Dear Steve,

It is so good to read that you made such a good progress! I wish I could help you from here more than just thinking about you a lot!

Good luck with your forthcoming treatments!



Joanne said...

Yay for sushi and oranges!!


Anonymous said...

Great news, Steve! WTG! Soo .. WHAT was the MOVIE?

Marilyn K