Monday, December 1, 2008

The Poem from TJ

My friend TJ sent me a card the other day. The card has a poem on the front cover and it would seem that TJ decided that the poem was not quite complete. I'd like to share the entire verse, Hallmark's & TJ's. So, without further ado here it is (Hallmark's part first).

Sometimes bouncing back
is slow.
(Your not a rubber ball
you know!)
So plump your pillows.
Take long naps.
Have a spot of tea, perhaps,
With extra jelly
on your toast.
Wear the jammies
you like the most.
Hug yourself real good
and tight.
And just take care of you,
all right?

Fill the crevice on your
Try hard not to be a
Feast on homemade soup,
And hope you can still p . . p!
As your hair has just come
back in,
Once again it is thin.
Watching all the NetFlix shows,
Without HD really blows.
Cover your head with a hood
and remember
Life is Good!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


glad to see you survived T-day. I'm thinking TJ should perhaps keep his day job a bit longer - I'm not sure the folks at Hallmark or Shorstring are quite ready for his style of prose.

I will add one more thanks - I am thankful for you, because your tenacity keeps me going. Thanks for sharing the journey.

Keep safe this holiday season.

-rose (in babylon - well close to it anyways)