Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I'm Home - Yeah!

In the immortal words of Dorothy, "There's no place like home." I was discharged today from the hospital! There were many hugs along the way from the crew of nurses that helped me (some even shed a tear or two). There was also the inevitable waiting for the the paper work to process, prescriptions to be gotten, the last of the blood lettings for lab work, and awaiting transportation to bring the wheelchair to get me to the car. Although these things seemed to take forever, I basically was out of there on time. There are a bunch of stories that I can tell from the hospital, some of which may end up on this blog site yet. After all, I have a few weeks to kill before I get to go back to work.

So, now I'm home! The house is a little cool (still waiting for the heater to do its thing), and there is a ton of mail to go through, but the first thing that was done upon my arrival was a bowl of corn flakes and milk (in true Hungarian fashion, eating comes first).

Thanks to all those that visited me in the hospital as well as those that mailed cards to me there. It was always great to look up and see who was coming around the curtain with a smile on their face. The cards were always a treat and when delivered, were definitely a highlight.

Also thank-you Emma & Danny for the wonderful welcome home signs and card. They were a terrific homecoming cheer.

A special thanks to Lori for keeping this story going. Having read Lori's writing style, I can't help but feel that we are taking a step backwards with how this story is told now that I'm the narrator again. However, I will try to keep the high standard of prose going as best I can!

The Cancer Adventure continues, but with a great appreciation of what it is to be home!

Life Is Good!!!


bob g said...

Welcome home, man!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you're recovering well and are home! Keep up the good work! Joanne

Anonymous said...

Way to go Steve-O! You have conquered the "sisyphisian" mountain...I see you when I'm back in DC! Thank you Lori, for your updates...and Joanne...what can I're just the best! - Jorge

Anonymous said...

WTG, Steve! WOW! I'm so overwhelmed by your enthusiasm & courage am at loss for words! Keep up the incredible work! YAY on YOU! (And of course Lori & all others who've been there helping too!)

Marilyn K

Molly said...

Glad you are home, Steve.

We are learning about the fetal postition, here :)

And I have been inspired to have some tuna - thanks for the idea.
