Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Ethel the Wonder Pump

So it was decided today that I should call my "man-purse" (pump & 5FU) companion "Ethel." So Ethel it is. Stephen has given her some personality with a loving face looking up at me. I feel so loved!!!

I went to work today for a few hours. It was good to keep some normalcy and see everyone. After work I hung out with my girls, introduced them to Ethel, and played a couple of board games. It was great to see them.

I was able to muffle Ethel enough last night that her pumping noise (her way of talking to me!) didn't keep me awake. She consistently speaks to me around every 3 minutes. She makes a sound like a small receipt or label maker printer. So muffled she was!

Anyway, the 5FU continues its way into me to work its "magic" and forge to the cure. I am feeling pretty good so far.


Subcom Mark said...

Hi Steve, I'm writing from the beach. All is well but Mikey broke his arm last week so no swimming here (one of those big plaster casts). Can't get down about that while I've been thinking of you often these past few weeks with updates from your work family and now your blog. I wore my "life is good" shirt today in your honor. It has a little guitar player on it. I know you'll have some tough times but keep your tunes playing strong and know we are behind you all the way. Mark

Anonymous said...

Hi Steve,

You and your family are in ours thoughts and I appreciate your sharing your "Life is Good" blog. Your attitude, approach and humor are a very important aspect of your cure.

Mike Ryan
SJC '78