Thursday, February 5, 2009

Hi anyone still reading! Sorry I haven't written for a while.

The first month of survival has gone by now. I have to admit that I seem to have a perpetual smile going right now. I have been back to the chemo room a couple of times over the past month to get my medical port flushed (an action to prevent it from causing an infection). Each time I walked in I had a feeling of trepidation, but the chemo nurses greeted me with open arms and even a couple of kisses. Not bad!

Yesterday I had an appointment with Dr. S my chemo oncologist. She is still pleased with me and my response to treatment. I'm to get a CT scan within the next few weeks to check to see if anything might be coming back. Keep your fingers crossed. Unfortunately, I am still on Caumadin, the blood thinner. I really dislike the way it makes me feel. If asked what it does to me, I couldn't express it concisely. I only know it makes me feel yucky (how's that for a technical term!).

I have yet to gain any significant weight. I'm told that this is to be expected as my body continues to heel from the radiation treatment. I surmise that it took quite a while to get into this skinny state, so it will take a while to get the weight back. I'll keep eating though!

I feel better everyday and although still easily fatigued, I feel strength and stamina coming back on a daily basis. I have been cleared by Dr. S to do exercises and weight training. As such I will be able to take advantage of a fantastically generous and thoughtful gift my friend Jon E gave me. He has bought me 10 visits with a physical trainer. Wow!

So, even while I claim the survivor nomenclature, the battle still continues and I still am fighting and am looking forward to continued improvements in my physical (and hopefully mental) state.

Life is still good!


Anonymous said...

Steve, I'm still here, keeping up with Just keep writing and letting us know how you are doing, we're out here.

Tom G

dwa652 said...

Glad to hear things are going well. If you are still skinny when I get there in July we will have to hit some serious restaurants!


Anonymous said...

Coach, It was great seeing you out there with your futsal team. You are the best. Thanks for keeping everyone updated on the blog. We all really really care!
Steve P

Teresa said...

Hi Steve,

Yes, we're still reading and keeping up to date with you. You sound like you are doing so well! YEAH!

Keep up the blogging and know we are all still here rooting for you!



Anonymous said...

Ebs, it has been a while. Please tell us how you are doing, how you are feeling. We'd like to know!

Do you want to hear from old soccer buds? I don't want to take space here, necessarily, but I would like to know how you would like the mix to be, the mix of you telling us how you are doing, and some of us from back in the day doing the same.

All my best,


Julie Roddin said...

How are you? Been a while since your last post. Email me, Jeff and I would love to meet up at the pub in Wheaton sometime soon!

I'll tell you about the time I got stuck in the dress and make you laugh!

